Divorce Litigation Support
Divorce can create an emotionally charged atmosphere for all parties.
A forensic accountant can examine documents, perform analysis, and provide unbiased objectivity for divorce engagements.
Forensic accounting engagements include analysis of marital and family financial situations:
- Lifestyle analysis for spousal support
- Income available for alimony and/or child support
- Equitable distribution of marital estate
- Identification of non-marital assets
The obligation of each party is to fully and truthfully disclose his or her assets and earnings. Instead, often non-disclosure, inaccuracies, or illegal transfer of assets are alleged by one or both parties. The skills of a forensic accountant can be used support or refute such allegations by distilling the information and presenting it in an unbiased manner in a court of law, if needed.
Leslea Ellis, LLC offers the following divorce-related forensic accounting services:
- Reconstruction of bank and investment accounts to identify non-disclosed, diverted or otherwise squandered funds
- Review of business records for personal use or misappropriation of business funds
- Analysis of financial records to identify non-disclosed sources of income
- Tracking and identification of undisclosed real or personal property
- Review and analysis of filed tax returns
- Tracking of significant changes in spending habits prior to separation